Finding Addiction Help

We speak to hundreds of people every day. We understand how challenging it is to find the right drug and alcohol rehab for you or your loved. For many families, it is often times a confusing and frustrating process to understand all the various accreditation and treatment models. We can help sort through the clutter including helping you understand what your insurance will cover.

If someone in your life is in desperate need of rehab, it may feel overwhelming. It could feel even scarier for your loved one who needs to take the first and hardest step, which is to admit they have a problem. Deciding to enter yourself or a loved one into a drug rehab center is a life-changing move. Then again, a lot of people don’t know where to start when it comes to drug rehab. It can be confusing when trying to find the right treatment center in the beginning.

We can help! The call is Free and Confidential. Take the first step now.. Call 866-731-5418 or click Get Help Now to speak with one of our advisers and get matched with the right treatment center.

The Prevail Intervention Team was able to help me find treatment options in less then 10 minutes. I had choices from a variety of treatment centers nationwide. The process was simple and seamless and everyone I spoke with was professional.

Brandy G.


Prevail Intervention spoke with my wife for several hours and finally got her the help she needed

John P.

I was searching for online therapy to get counseling in dealing with my husbands alcoholism. I was able to get access to a therapist instantly and the prevail team was able to finally get help for my husband’s drinking. Thank you Prevail!

Tina S