Top 5 Self-Help Books with Life Changing Secrets
How to jump out of the box & start living the life you love

By Stephanie Bridgeman

Are you ready to live your miracle life?  Do you want to create a better life—but you don’t quite know what’s your next best step?  Is it challenging to set goals and keep them? Do you feel that you are stuck in a box and can’t get out?  Do you want to stop stressing out and start enjoying life? Maybe you need an inspiring game-changing plan to help you get started?  If so, you’re in luck! Now, you can take charge of your life’s journey using these books’ pro-tips!

Yes, there are a lot of great self-help books out there—but this is the problem. It’s too much of a good thing! If you actually manage to finish reading all the advice that’s floating out there—then you’re probably too tired to hit the ground running. Ideas are great, but you need to be ready to take action if you want powerful transformation!

Here is a list of five great self-help books that can save you time.  These top five books focus on ways to help you start and follow a roadmap to success.  I’ve done the heavy lifting here. Most of these tips are super easy, but you’ll need to do your part. Yes, you need to follow through if you expect to achieve long-term success.

How my List is Organized

There were so many (millions?!) of excellent self-help books out there.  To save you time, I whittled down my list to only five of the best. Now, you don’t have to wade through a ginormous library of books. I have also summarized and optimized the book list.  In this article, you’ll see handy charts highlighting my favorite pro-tips. Plus, I share my game-changing takeaways and light-bulb moments! This top-five list could save you years of research.  Now, you can see what’s best and skip the rest!

If you already Know your Purpose, then fast-forward!

So, first up: you need to know what you want to do with your life.  If you already know your purpose, then fast-forward to the next book (Book #2). Next up: you’ll learn how to set proper goals. Also, you’ll find two books on procrastination and perfectionism (which may be slowing you down).  Then there’s a book that’s about reinforcing your game plan by “speaking” powerful words that can help you think and feel better. It doesn’t get easier than this!  Last, but not least, the fifth book is about sticking to the game plan that you’ve put into motion.

Let’s get started – Here’s Book One!

WHO, WHAT & WHY? BOOK ONE:  The Destiny Formula: Find Your Purpose. Overcome Your Fear of Failure. Use Your Natural Talents and Strengths To Build A Successful Life

By: Ayodeji Awosika

WHO & WHY? This book is about finding your purpose by using a “destiny formula”. This book is here to help you start living your best possible life!

  • Who is this book for?
People who don’t know their purpose in life.
  • Biggest take-away?
I feel that I figured out my life’s mission statement after I completed the “Overlapping Circle” exercise.
  • Is this book a game-changer?
Yes, if you are always changing directions in your life, because you don’t know what your purpose is
  • Who shouldn’t read this book?
Those who know their purpose and mission statement should move on to the next book.
  • Best Pro-Tip?
Take the StrengthsFinder 2.0 quiz to figure out your best career choices, based on your strengths!
  • Best Moment?
Thanks to this book, I finally realized what my life’s purpose is! Now, I won’t worry that I am “missing something important”.
  • Why should you read it?
If you want to figure out your life’s purpose to achieve your best destiny—then this book is for you!


The Destiny Formula: Find Your Purpose. Overcome Your Fear of Failure. Use Your Natural Talents And Strengths To Build A Successful Life

By: Ayodeji Awosika

First, I recommend reading this book, if you don’t know your purpose in life.  Let’s say, if you don’t know your purpose, you could have trouble figuring out what goals to aim for. This could lead to becoming stuck in a cycle of wandering aimlessly through life.

If you have big dreams but you want a roadmap to guide you—then this book is for you.  

The author, Ayodeji Awosika, says, “If all this book did was give you a useful strategy to kick your procrastination habits and make real progress towards your goals…. would it be worth it?”  Awosika cautions anyone who is lazy to skip this book. But, if you are ready to create your best life, then keep reading!

Author Awosika gives us core tips and a formula to create your mission statement.  If you follow the simple instructions, you should you able to create your mission statement.  Your mission statement should be based on your strengths. Then with your mission statement in mind, you should be able to create your action plan. Then, along with actual action, you should achieve your destiny!  

Awosika’s “formula”, to create your life’s mission statement, goes something like this:  First, you think about what you were good at during your childhood. Also, Awosika says to recall the subjects that you got the best grades in, with the least effort.  This will usually give you an idea of what your strengths are.


Then Awosika gives us a great pro-tip:  He reveals a great tool called “StrengthsFinder 2.0” from the Gallup Research Company. StrengthsFinder has a detailed questionnaire to help you figure out your strongest attributes. Also, StrengthsFinder gives you a list of careers that are most suited to you and your personality type!  


With your strengths in mind, the author gives another tip that he calls: “Ninety Percent Rule”.  The rule: You should not focus on your weaknesses—only on the areas where you can eventually reach the top ten percent.


Then the author reveals another pro-tip, an exercise we’ll call “Overlapping Circles”.  To start: Awosika asks us to make four overlapping circles that meet in the center.


For the first circle, Awosika says to reflect back to what was most important in your childhood. Be as specific as possible.  The author wrote that “Education” was most important in his early life, so that’s what he wrote in “Circle One”.

Awosika says that even negative childhoods can be used.  Wait, how is this possible? For example, Oprah would write about child abuse and dysfunctional family situations. Oh, and Oprah went on to create a show, that talked about these issues. (I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of the famous “Oprah Show”.) Okay, I would write in my first circle (about my childhood memories): “I was a dancer, who was great in school; a child who wanted to explore the world and join the circus!


The author says to write about your feedback from “friends and strangers”.  The author especially wants us to put in “stranger feedback”. I found it funny, to want random strangers’ feedback (because it sounds so strange)!  However, the author wants us to think about the feedback from strangers, that you never asked for. And, if people (and friends) are always telling you how beautiful, energetic, and funny you are, etc. etc. then this is what you can also write into the second box.  If the feedback is only negative, I suppose you should write in this information. However, I would concentrate on your strengths to find your mission statement. With that in mind, I am writing in the second circle, “I am a funny, somewhat crazy comedienne with a serious passion for learning and teaching new ideas.”


Write about what you’ve been doing for a living, along with the skills you’ve learned in this circle.  Ok, I’ll write in the third circle: “Teaching, writing, selling, counseling, mentoring, working with children, teens, and adults; plus, I love to take photographs of rare plumerias in our garden.


Write about what you can talk about effortlessly, with your friends and family.  Ok, I’ll write in the fourth circle: I like to give “helpful information” that some would call “giving advice” – since I have learned about many subjects.  I am also empathetic and most people (even those who I don’t even know) will tell me their troubles—and ask my advice. I really feel happy, when I help people improve their lives. Many times, my advice actually works.  Just don’t ask me to tell you how to fix your car (or fix anything mechanical)!

Next, reflect upon what you wanted to be, “When you grew up…”


Okay, now that you’ve completed the overlapping-circle exercise, you should know your greatest strengths.  Blend them together with your early childhood dreams, and you should have your mission statement! Your mission statement should be nothing too complicated.  It could look something like the author’s own mission statement: “Using words to liberate and enlighten others.”  

Hmmm, creating a mission statement sounds simple enough!  Okay, I’ll try it. My mission statement could go something like this: “Using my education and empathy to help people create better lives.”  Another mission statement could be: “Finding ways to make this world a more joyful place!” Hey, that was easy!

The author also talks about ways to approach life through the “Sculpture and Lottery Approaches to Life”.  He mentions that people who have the “Lottery Approach” tend to fall back to their former level of happiness. That’s because they don’t continue “sculpting their lives” into lives they love.  The author says that life is always a work in progress!

Wow, there are so many more tips in Awosika’s well-written book!  Please grab his book, if you want to learn more. But, if you already know your life’s mission statement, let’s move on to Book Two.


The More You Do The Better You Feel: How to Overcome Procrastination

by David Parker

WHO, WHAT & WHY? BOOK TWO:  The More You Do The Better You Feel: How to Overcome Procrastination

by David Parker

WHAT & WHY? This book is about procrastinator, and it explores the reasons “why”.  In the second half of the book, you’ll find practical advice how-to stop putting off important things.  This book is here to help you stop blaming yourself -and start moving forward!

  • Who is this book for?
People who Procrastinate and avoid living the life of their dreams.
  • Biggest takeaway?
Focus on Doing “Just One Thing” (J.O.T.):  Practicing J.O.T. usually leads to getting more things done!
  • Is this book a game-changer?
Yes, especially if you are a true procrastinator (and not just lazy).  However, this book gives great tips to help you reach your goals!
  • Who shouldn’t read this book?
Those who are already motivated to take proper action:  and who have a perfect life. Otherwise, this book can give you the know-how to improve your life!
  • Best Pro-Tip?
The more action that you take towards your goals—the better you’ll feel (just like the title says)!
  • Best Moment?
I realized that long-term procrastination is serious! I learned the procrastination can lead to depression if people can’t move towards their goals—or vice versa! Note: procrastination is a known side-effect of depression.
  • Why should you read it?
If you are a procrastinator, this could lead to depression—or more depression, if you are a procrastinator.  You should read it if you want to break the cycle of shame and low self-esteem that’s caused by procrastination.


The More You Do The Better You Feel: How to Overcome Procrastination

by David Parker

The first half of David Parker’s book is meant to help you figure out why you procrastinate, how-to stop the cycle of blaming yourself, and getting depressed in the process.  Then the second half gives you practical advice on how to get unstuck and start moving forward in your life.

I liked this book because I am always asking “Why?!” I seem to get stuck in the why’s before I take action. This book had the answers that I was looking for, and this book gave me the confidence to finally start moving forward. (But, you might want to take action, more quickly!)  So, you can jump-start your program by trying the “J.O.T” method doing “Just. One. Thing.”

The book’s core idea:

Doing “Just One Thing” (J.O.T.) is a terrific idea.  Doing J.O.T. will get you out of your non-action phase, directly into action.  Then you can feel good about this accomplishment (no matter how small)! Doing J.O.T. will also break the cycle of shaming and blaming yourself when you can’t seem to get anything done.  Now, you can tell your inner critic, “Hey, I finished something!”

Doing Just. One. Thing. also leads to getting other small projects done.  Doing J.O.T. seems small, but this is a genius plan. Doing J.O.T. can help you complete bigger and better projects.  Pretty soon, people will ask you, “How in the world, did you accomplish that?!”

The second part of the book is great for those who like journaling.  I don’t really like writing things down, but the author has a great point. Journaling your day’s progress (or lack of progress) can help you pinpoint the times and reasons “why” you procrastinate.  This book is more expensive than the other books that I was looking at. However, I feel that it’s worth it if you are a true procrastinator. And. you can always use it as a journal.

Okay, who’s with me?  Who wants to stop procrastinating and try J.O.T. right now?       


How to Be an Imperfectionist: The New Way to Self-Acceptance, Fearless Living, and Freedom from Perfectionism

by Stephen Guise

Book Three is a book about Perfectionism—or rather how to be an “Un-Perfectionist”.  If you don’t feel that you’re a perfectionist, then it’s probably best to skip to book four. I chose this book because the book’s summary caught my eye.  For example, the author says, “I remember when I aimed for perfect workouts: 30 minutes was the minimum. I was in lousy shape.”  Stephen Guise also proclaimed the same terrible results with dating, writing, and everything else he was trying to do perfectly.

Then his book summary says:

“When the author, Stephen Guise, became an “imperfectionist”, everything changed. Guise added, “I got in great shape, read more books, and improved my social skills.”  

Don’t get me wrong. This book has some great tips on how to achieve your goals.  It also doesn’t preach. This book gives practical advice about how to achieve your “perfect life” by achieving imperfectionism.  Hint: imperfectionism is easier to achieve than the impossible ideals of perfectionism!

The author’s fun summary caught my attention.  I wanted to read this book and enjoy the imperfectionist lifestyle!

I loved the whole idea of this book, which had some pretty neat tips, to help people succeed.  For example, the book says to create “mini-habits”, which you’re practically guaranteed to succeed at. As I kept reading, I realized this book could also help other people enjoy their life journey, too.

I chose this book on perfectionism because it gives ways to look at your goals, differently.  For example, even if it’s possible, a person can’t (or shouldn’t lose 30 pounds in one day). f found this book ironic, that imperfectly achieving tiny goals can help us achieve more “perfect” lifestyles!


First, I should point out that “seeking excellence” and “being organized” is not really considered as “perfectionism”. If you are a perfectionist, you probably don’t need a professional to tell you this!  I like this book because it gives practical tips to get moving from rigid ideas to actually moving around.

It’s interesting that the author pointed out a study that linked perfectionists and procrastinators to those who do a lot of TV watching. I would never have thought that perfectionists would have this problem. I always thought that perfectionists would be out in the gym or somewhere “perfecting” their routines! Sadly, the opposite is usually true.  The study found that perfectionists and procrastinators don’t want to fail. And, since they’ve set the bar for success so high, they’re guaranteed to fail. So, the study found that perfectionists watch a lot of TV, due to the fact that a person can’t “fail” at TV watching.

That’s why the author gives practical tips, such as mini-habits to help perfectionists.  I found that the mini-habits are genius. That’s because the mini-habit tasks are so small, everyone can achieve them.  


Don’t try to accomplish more than a few mini-habit tasks at-one-time.  Don’t be like this perfectionist/person who said, “I tried to accomplish 20 mini-habits at once… you can probably guess what happened, next!” The main idea is to choose tasks that are so small, that you can’t fail!  Then one mini-task leads to another… and another. One successful action builds on another until you become…. You probably get it…. You’ll be successful!

The main point of the book is that every successful action leads to more action.  Thinking about taking action does not work… it usually leads to more and more thinking about it!  The author states: “Action itself is the best way to create more action.”

Key Point:  

The author claims this is the key to achieving more by focusing more on success than failure.  He says: “Care less about doing it right. Care more about doing it at all.” He also says to care less about what other people think, care less about failure, and care less about the end result—just take an action.  Yes, take an action towards a goal. No. Matter. How. Small. Just. Take. Action!

There are lots of great ideas and practical tips in this book.  I highly recommend that you get this book, to help you achieve success—even if it is imperfect!  

Okay, what if you are bedridden and can’t get moving?  Then let’s check out the next book on “Switchwords”. This next book may help you improve your life with very little action!


Switchwords: How to Use One Word to Get What You Want

by Liz Dean

I chose this book about Switchwords to help people who aren’t capable (or motivated) to take physical action.  Yet, this book can help anyone who feels stuck emotionally—or even those who are injured or bedridden. This book about “Switchwords could help you improve your life with very little action!

You might think, “This is interesting, but how can this possibly work?!” I was wondering this, myself!

The author, Liz Dean, explains why Switchwords can succeed where affirmation fail.  She says, “The difference between Switch-wording and affirmations lies in the part of the brain they’re trying to address.”  In other words, Switchwords are usually more powerful, because their sound and vibration affect the subconscious part of the mind. Affirmations mainly affect the conscious mind. But, no matter how powerful Switchwords (or even affirmations) might be—you have to say them out loud. Yes, you need to say them if you want to find out if they work for you.  

Here is a comparison of the affirmation:  


vs. the Switchword: “NOW”, to see how they both work. Yes, the affirmation is literally and exactly positive.

And, yes, your conscious mind may accept this positive affirmation. However, your conscious mind is only a small part of the mind.  

This means that most affirmations don’t go deep or have staying power. That’s because your conscious mind is like a guard and can block the affirmations. Let’s say, the conscious mind (ego?) will block that affirmation that talks about “changing”.  This is especially true if the mind/ego is scared of any change—whether it’s positive or negative.

The Switchword:

“NOW” usually flies under the conscious mind’s radar.  And, that’s probably because the conscious mind has no reason to be afraid of the Switchword: “NOW”.  (The mind can’t find any reason to block the seemingly ordinary word.) Also, saying only the ordinary Switchword, you didn’t mention anything about taking action or saying that scary word (“change”). Hopefully, that helps you see the difference between the two methods.

Another way to think about Switchwords (or even affirmations) may be to imagine that every word you say has great power. What if you had the “last word”?  What if, your last words manifested exactly what you just said? Would the words bring you happiness or misery? I hope that you’ll give Switchwords a try. I’m excited to know what happens next!  

Now, if you want to stick with any of the new habits you’ve just started—it’s time to check out Book Five  


Stick with It: A Scientifically Proven Process for Changing Your Life– For Good

by Sean D. Young

I have saved the best book for last! There is a reason that Sean Young’s “Stick with it” book is the #1 Wall Street Journal’s Best Seller’s List!  “Stick with it”, is a book about… you guessed it! Of course, this book gives us tips and mind-hacks to help us “stick” to our new, life-changing habits.  However, the author, Sean Young also gives us the whole self-help package. He reveals many secrets, mind-hacks, and pro-tips to help us get started on our life-changing journey—in addition to helping us maintain our new life.  Young also shows us how to reach higher goals, if we choose!

Sean Young shows provides us with so many game-changing ideas in this one book.  That’s why I feel this book is worth the extra cost!

Here are some of the “Stick with it” pro-tips, including Neurohacks and Stepladders:


How tiny steps that help you climb the ladder of success helps you maintain your habits.  This pro-tip is similar to some of the other books’ pro-tips such as “Mini-habits” or doing “Just One Thing”. All of these pro-tips are phenomenal and so easy to try!

Sean Young mentions that you usually need community support, his tip is important because everyone you know sabotages you, you will have a hard time “sticking with your program”. If you have people around you, who constantly sabotage you, then you might think about moving away.  You want to find those who support you, so you can stick with it!

Sean Young also mentions “Neurohacks to help you reset your brain”. These tips are what makes this book shine! Neurohacks are mental shortcuts that can reset the brain.  People can finally stop unwanted behaviors by using Neurohacks. Then once your brain is reset, Young mentions engraining good habits. He says that it’s crucial that you maintain your positive routines. Don’t emphasise your bad habits. Yes, the emphasis is all about the routines—make sure you can live with them!   

In Conclusion….

It all started when I went on a quest to find life-changing tips…  

What I discovered were some shockingly easy ways to obtain my goals. Most of the books’ steps are very easy to follow—the key is taking action and sticking with it!

These books are potentially game-changers—possibly even life-savers.  I truly hope you’ll find them inspiring and helpful! I wish I could include all the great self-help books.  

Please let us know about your favorite self-help book – to help others improve their lives.  Hey, maybe your book will be featured in our next article! It would be awesome to hear what you liked best!
