Find a Drug and Alcohol Interventionist in Nebraska

Addiction is a chronic condition, if professional help is not involved in multiple ways (such as therapy, interventions etc) there may be risk of a relapse. With the right treatment, many persons are able to move past their addiction phase and go along to lead happy, healthy and successful lives. You or your loved one suffering from addiction can achieve this as well.

What is a drug Intervention?

An intervention is a structured and solution oriented process taken by an abuser of alcohol or drugs in order for them to get professional help with vanquishing their struggle with addiction. Family, friends and other loved ones use interventions specific to their loved one’s case to help them realize the extent of damages and effects that their substance abuse or alcohol addiction has done, and will continue to do to their lives if they do not kick their habit.

Does Drug Addiction Really Require An Interventionist?

Since abusers may be reluctant in accepting their issue, and accept that their habit is responsible for most of their personal problems, health issues, safety of them-self and their loves ones among many other consequent factors, they tend to ignore the underlying issue and continue to feed their addictions.

While it is common for your loved one to deny the obvious act that they have a problem, they tend to blame their circumstances on other factors such as “stress”. In scenarios such as these, an interventionist is important and necessary for breaking through the barriers of denial and help your loved one suffering with addiction to recognize and accept their problem and clearly understand how their habits affect them and those who matter the most to them.

Healing Your Deadly Addiction

Believe it or not, your treatment process begins within a split second of you stepping foot into a rehab facility. If you are living in the state of Nebraska and you or your loved one is suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction, our highly skilled interventionists will assist you in getting the best possible treatment and lead you in the right path to a drug free life.

Family and Addiction

If you suspect that your loved one is undergoing a battle of serious substance abuse or alcoholism, by any means necessary, assist him / her in getting the proper help necessary, however, try to avoid approaching the matter in a way that may cause confrontations as addicts tend to resist help and prefer to stay in denial about their situation.

It is a known fact that substance abuse and alcoholism can cause even the closest of families to become distant and begin to cause serious issues. However, please be mindful that this is a great time of need and this is when your addicted loved one will need family, love and support more than ever.

Warning Signs Of Addiction

  • Terrible cases of insomnia
  • Uncontrollable mood swings
  • Sudden financial or legal issues resulting from substance or alcohol abuse
  • Becoming distant from persons and activities that you once enjoyed
  • Severe weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Feeling unable to function as a normal person unless under the influence


Arranging An Interventionist Session

The first step in getting started with an intervention is actually contacting an intervention specialist now. Our Nebraska Interventionists will help you or your loved one break the phase of denial, this is also the first step in becoming sober.


Please remember, confronting the addict will make matters worst as they may be ashamed of their awful truth and deny any form of help. Interventions should always be dealt with by a professional.