Mental Health Interventions

If you or your loved one is battling a struggle with a mental illness, it is highly recommended that you get help. Therefore, you might consider looking into seeking mental health interventions as soon as you possibly can. A person struggling with mental illness may experience symptoms such as extreme cases of stress, loneliness, relationship problems, suicidal thoughts among many others.

But before we get into seeking mental health interventions, let’s first begin to understand what exactly is mental health.

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Mental Health: What is It?

Mental health refers to the overall well-being of your psychological state. That is, your daily thoughts, mentalities, emotions, and performance are successful. Having stable mental health results in more productive activities, the ability to maintain healthy relationships, ability to cope with adversity and adapt to life’s changes. The term mental health involves the way one enjoys life and creates a balance between stresses and everyday activities.

Mental Illness vs. Mental Health

Since mental health refers to the successful functioning of your psychological state, think of mental illness as the complete opposite. The term “mental illness” speaks to a wide variety of mental disorders such as ADHD, dementia, depression, and many others. Mental illnesses are the alterations of the mind that affect your thinking, behavior, and mood. Otherwise known as “disorders,” they can bring impaired normal functioning which can be very uncomfortable.

Think of mental health as the overall category encompassing psychological subjects. Mental illnesses, mental disorders, etc. are all a category within the term “mental health.” Does everybody have perfect mental health? No, not likely. There are people who struggle more or less with some form of mental illness or dysfunction. Therefore, when you know how healthy your mental state is (or isn’t), you can work on getting or staying healthy. It’s important to know where you stand in your mental health. It’s also important to know where your loved ones are at mentally, as well.

Are There Different Types Of Mental Illnesses?

In fact, there is a very wide range of mental disorders including (but not limited to) the following. These include those that are most common to us.

  • Depression
  • Borderline personality disorders
  • Numerous alter egos and split personalities
  • Schizophrenia
  • PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • Dementia
  • ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
  • ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
  • Bipolar disorder
  • OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder)
  • Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia
  • Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)

Spotting Mental Health Problems

To be on the safer side, early detection of a mental health issue is the best chance to lead a positive and healthy life. In order to identify mental health problems, there are typically four (4) main categories that lay the foundation for determining this issue. You can observe these for yourself or a loved one but remember you need a professional diagnosis to officially find treatment for a mental illness. Do not attempt to diagnose or treat anyone from this list or through the internet alone.

1. Physical Health

Have you or your loved one experienced traumatic brain injuries or multiple blows to the head? Is there a family history of any mental disorders? Mental illnesses to look at such as personality disorders, panic disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, bipolar disorders or even depression? All in all, this could lead to the malfunctioning of the brain. Health issues such as poor nutrition, excessive grief, and lack of sleep also often affect mental health issues as well.

2. Safety and Security

Factors such as not being in a stable or happy environment can affect your brain’s ability to pay attention to specific requirements. Traumatizing events, such as sexual or physical abuse and neglect can also lead to mental disorders. Even being in a toxic relationship can put a person in a state of heightened fear which can alter their way of thinking.

If a child doesn’t feel safe growing up, it could increase the likelihood of them developing a mental illness later on in life. Studies have shown that infants who feel neglected by their parents don’t develop a healthy amount of brain chemicals early on. Therefore, it could affect the child into adulthood. Anything from relationships, emotional awareness, mental health, and self-esteem could be affected.

3. Resource Availability

Since it can be much easier to detect mental illness in children from an early stage, it is often more comfortable to be treated before it has time to get any worse. It is essential that kids have adequate amounts of resources available such as proper housing, balanced diet, adequate education and the other necessities (food and clothing). These are especially vital not only for a child’s mental health but young adults and adults as well. When people have access to these resources, it makes the process of mental health interventions fairly easier and comfortable.

4. Relationships

Bad relationships do contribute to insecurities and feeling isolated. It is vital that each person, especially those at risk or showing signs of mental illness, has stable and healthy relationships. Everyone could benefit from someone that they can trust to talk to about whatever situation is bothering them. Bottling up feelings can also lead to mental disorders as well as health problems too. Denying your personal wants, needs, and emotions is not how the brain is meant to function. It’s wise to stay aware of such realities because it could help you or a loved one in the long run. Taking part in mental health interventions could be helpful as it can open up space to talk about any of these suppressed issues.

Seeking Mental Health Interventions


Are you or your loved one experiencing any of the previously stated symptoms? If so, now is the time for you to find an intervention specialist and keep an eye on them. Signs such as depression, anxiety, and withdrawal are also a factor.

Mental health interventions generally help the family, friends, and person struggling with mental health. It opens up communication to express the family’s concerns for their loved one. This is a chance to offer help with guidance from a guided professional. The intention of the intervention is to let the loved one know they are struggling, but don’t have to anymore. They can get help and live a better life.

Treatment is highly recommended for any type of mental illness. Overall if left untreated or undertreated, mental illness can cause profound impacts on the quality of life and may lead to homelessness. There are many resources to help out there. Even if you are worried about finances or insurance, programs all over the United States still have options.

Contact Prevail Intervention if you need any help in finding proper treatment. We have professionals who are skilled in mental illness interventions. Call our free 24/7 addiction and mental health helpline. Talk to a person on the phone who can assist you one-on-one. Also, we are here to answer any questions or concerns you might have.




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